Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We are dealing with a new problem in room 6, and I am not quite sure how to go about approaching it.  A few roommates have decided to take up residence in the love shack, and well... quite frankly, they aren't welcome.
It started with the occasional scurry across the room, a girlish scream would quickly follow, and the furried rodent wouldn't show its face again for several days.  At this point, we assumed it was just one little friendly, big eared, long tailed visitor, so we aptly named him Ralph, figured he wouldn't return, and then let it go.

But then Ralph started leaving his evidence everywhere, and the executive decision was made by the roommates (Stacey, Rachel, and I), that our little friend had to go.  We didn't want to get vicious about it, so we bought "Paper Cats", sticky paper that his little tricky paws would get stuck on and then we put him out to the street to flourish, and live the dream as a mouse in the most garbage filled country in the world.  Everybody wins in this situation.

Within an hour of tempting Ralph with an oreo (a big sacrifice for the three of us, indeed) and some sticky paper, we had captured him and removed him from the premises.  Sucess!  Or, so we thought.  Another mouse appeared on the paper... and another.... and another....  with each mouse captured, we hung a new picture on the wall- the "let this be an example to you and your kind" wall, we called it, thinking that the mice would see this horrifying display and escape forever. Afterall, we live in walking distance from downtown Chinandega, a hispanic mouse's paradise.  But no. They were by no means swayed by the images, and continued to make their presence known in our room.  

In fact, they are getting bold.  They no longer scurry across the room in order to be inconspicious- oh no.  They sashay around, trying on my tee shirts, using my toiletries...  I caught one flicking me off as he poured himself a bowl of cereal at the breakfast table this morning.  These rats are taking ownership were ownership is simply not due.  And I don't like it. Not one bit.

How to solve this problem?

An eviction notice.  With our wit and brilliance, I am expecting very big things from this.  Be waiting with baited breath...


  1. Kelly et al:
    Are you sure Ralph and friends are not just a little bit "twee?" After all, he and his friends did try on your clothes and makeup, etc. Perhaps if you leave them a stick of beef jerky; old copies of "Sports Illustrated;" smelly sweatsocks; and an empty crushed beer can instead of an oreo they will just throw up their teeny, tiny, itty, bitty paws; scream "Welllllllll!;" and exit in a huff.
    Just a thought.
