Things that are happening in the end of September that are slightly important:
1. September 25th... Golf Tournament at Chateau Elan (That's right, folks. Said in snotty British accent- Chateau Elan. A fine winery, if you will.) Play golf, help provide water for a thirsty child. Fair trade, I'd say.
2. September 26th... 9 a.m. Strides for Strength 5k. Run a 5k. Walk a 5k. Either way, feed a hungry brother in Nicaragua.
3. September 26th... 1 p.m. Pedal for the Poor, 4 mile or 16 mile Bike Ride. Strap on your neon helmet, tie the basket to the front of your wheels, and help build a school in a rural community and hand hope of a different future to Nicaraguan children.
4. September 26th... 3 p.m. Salsa Showdown. Top Chef style, cut throat and serious. Dice some tomatoes and provide pipe that will connect to a well that will bring water to dried out crops.
5. September 26th... All day. Run about through Suwannee Town Center Park, listen to great live music, dance in the grass, play tons of games, jump on those inflatable jumpy things, eat delicious food.
6. September 26th... 10:30 p.m. Find me in the corner passed out from exhaustion, put me in the car, drive me home, and tuck me in. Wake me up at some point, buy me a drink, and tell me I don't have to do this again until next September.
In all seriousness, I would love to have the support of my family and friends in this endeavor. I have never been one who is good at asking for donor support, which is what kept me from coming to Nicaragua for several years. Before I was on full time staff, I used my own paychecks to send me on these mision trips, because the idea of asking for money makes me that uncomfortable. However, this is different. I live amongst people who are in need. This summer, we worked in the community of El Chonco, laboring it out to build a school for children who would otherwise have no hope of every being anything other than what their parents knew. I got to know these people, I spent time in their houses, laughing hysterically and telling stories of both joy and heart break. This year, the Celebrate Service Festival is raisining money for the community of El Chonco. Specifically, we are working on a water system to provide each of the houses in the area with running water for cooking, bathing, drinking. So, this year, asking for support is different, because I am not asking you to finance something that I could on my own. This year, I am asking for help because we can't build this water system on our own.
Come join us the last weekend in September. Be a part of a greater thing. Check it out-
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